100 Things about me.
1. I am married to my best friend, he is incredible!
It will be 10 years in just a few months - still wonderful!
Yep - just past 10 years, and he's still my best friend.
2. I have 2 beautiful children who are a blessing.
OK, most of the time they are a blessing - sometimes..... well... (OK - just kidding there, I love 'em.)
3. I have a BFA degree from Kent State University in Art History with a dual minor in History and Studio Art.
4. My favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffany's.
You really can't beat that movie - still #!.
5. I absolutely positively HATE onions.
ABSOLUTELY HATE - but I'm trying to learn to cook with them. I don't want my kids growing up, hating them as much as me!
Still working on it - I've even managed to eat some onion rings....I tried anyway.
6. My favorite flower is lilac.
7. I wear Kenneth Cole perfume.
Well, Kenneth Cole is just about to the end - I need a new scent - any suggestions?
8. I love my job.
My job has changed - I still like it, but there are days...
9. I'm always striving to better myself - physically, mentally and emotionally.
10. I have a red Beta fish named Herman in a bowl on my desk at work.
Sadly, Herman passed away after having him for nearly 2 years. He has not been replaced.
11. My favorite painting (right now) is The Star, by E. Degas.
12. I went to Paris in September of 2003 - by myself.
13. I am a displaced Yankee, living in the south.
14. I am the oldest of 3 children and the only girl.
15. My parents are still alive and still married.
16. My son has blue eyes like me and my daughter has hazel eyes like my husband.
17. I went to high school with Marilyn Manson (he sat next to me in homeroom).
18. I got married in September of 1995.
19. I graduated college in May of 1995.
20. I wear a size 36 B Bra.
21. My favorite food is pasta.
22. One of the most beautiful places that I have visited is Crater Lake Oregon.
23. I went to school at the University of Toledo for 1 year.
24. I was kicked out of the University of Toledo due to my poor grades.
25. My first love was Jay Uzl.
26. My first kiss was Roy Tolbert.
27. My favorite color right now is red.
I'm on a PINK kick right now though.
Now I'm back to black - it's thinning!
28. I am a cat person, not a dog person.
Although, somewhere in the back of my mind - I keep considering getting a dog....
29. I wear OPI "I'm not really a waitress" nail polish.
I've been mostly wearing clear polish lately.
Going for the french manicure lately.
30. I started working this job on July 10, 2000.
I got a promotion and started my new position here on July 1, 2005.
31. My favorite snack is pretzels or cheese.
32. I want to go to Greece for our 10 year wedding anniversary.
We've decided on the Sandals resort on St. Lucia - not enough time to go to Greece.
Many things happened and didn't get to go anywhere but out to dinner at 801. A month after our anniversary, however we did take a long weekend in Seattle - and that was WONDERFUL.
33. I love Audrey Hepburn, she is SO elegant and classy.
34. The only friends that still keep in touch from Ohio are Trish and Steve Y.
35. I hate vanilla scented candles - ick!
36. I love to wear black clothes, slimming.
37. I struggle with my weight, my goal is 133 lbs.
38. I'm not at my goal weight.
Still not at my goal weight....
I got there, and then it slipped away - it seems to slip away SO quickly.
39. I won't tell you what weight that I am at....
Still won't.
40. I met Steve while working with him at Chi-Chi's in Ohio.
41. I am a Lutheran.
Although I don't go to church at all since we've moved to Alabama - I am now considering going again - and I'm open to whatever denomination. We'll see.
42. I graduated high school in 1987.
43. I have never been to a class reunion.
I'm hoping there is a 20 year one being planned - I will go to that.
44. I have vertigo.
Nothing fixes it, and it seems to have gotten worse.
45. I wear a size 7 shoe.
46. I have an Audrey Hepburn purse, I told you I love her!
I currently am carrying a very cool, heavily beaded purse that I bought in Seattle at an African Import store. HOT.
47. I like to watch college football, especially the Ohio State Buckeyes.
Still true - although I am rooting more and more for both Auburn and Bama now.
48. I am right handed.
49. I have 1 niece and 3 nephews.
50. I love Guiness beer.
51. I am addicted to blogging.
52. I am struggling to come up with a 100 things about me...
53. I am blonde.
Kind of a dark blonde with highlights now.
54. I don't act like a blonde.
55. Well, sometimes I do...
56. I have short hair, that I don't like...letting it grow out.
Still not grown out, I keep trying though...wonder how much extensions cost?
It's growing out now - slowly but surely. :)
57. I LOVE my husband!
58. I don't have a lot of friends, but the friends that I have are GOOD friends.
59. I have been to 5 countries outside of the US: Canada, Mexico, Ireland, France and China.
60. I have been to 40 of the 50 United States.
I think that's still right - might have to go through that all again.
61. I was born and raised in Canton Ohio.
North Canton to be precise.
62. I have a 3 inch scar on my right arm on the inside of my wrist.
I got this when my mom locked me out of the house when I was 4 years old, I was trying to get inside to get a popsicle - of course that's my vague memory of it - not exactly sure what all happened. I know I pounded on the front door and my arm went through the glass, my friend standing next to me went off screaming and the neighbor across the street came running.
63. I love the French impressionistic artists.
64. My favorite scented candle is cinnamon/apple.
65. I hate misspellings.
I'm a bit anal about that and correct people alot - I suppose that is rude, and I really should stop doing that. Lord knows that I'm not perfect there either!
Still working on that - but it does irk me.
66. My favorite art museum is the Musee D'Orsay in Paris. It was a very moving experience.
67. Have I mentioned that I have an irrational passionate hatred of onions?
The irrational part is getting better.
68. My wedding ring is a pear shaped solitaire with a wrap in gold and baguettes diamonds.
And now hubby gave me 1/4 carat diamond earrings for our 10th aniversary. He's wonderful.
69. I was a pharmacy major my first year of college.
70. My favorite memory of my dad is making pancakes with him one saturday morning, when I was around 11 years old.
I must have been having a bad morning and I messed up the recipe like 3 times. He just poured me a 7-up and sat down and talked to me. There's many more great memories like that - but that one really sticks out for me.
71. My favorite memory of my mom is when she came to see me at the University of Toledo one weekend.
Her and her sister came up with my best friend Julie. We had SO much fun that weekend- a bunch of girls out on the town!
72. I want a bigger house.
Still want a bigger house - I want us to start looking for a new house and move. Hubby says that we can't yet though - that we would lose too much on our current house. sigh.
Doing lots of lil projects around the current house now and it's really shaping up.
73. I had my gallbladder removed in 1998.
Still don't need it.
74. I started this list on 7/23/04 and I'm still working on it on 8/17/04.
Editing it today on 10/31/2005
75. I love the Alice in Wonderland story.
I've always wanted to paint a bizarre picture of that - I have the scene in my mind...just can't seem to get it on the canvas.
Still can picture it in my mind - maybe that's what I should do in my lil girls room?
76. My favorite book is The Hobbit, Lord of the Ring Trilogy.
I don't know that that is my FAVORITE book - but it is a good one.
77. I have 2 younger brothers. - did I already say that?
Yeah - I did basically already say that. The youngest one is married and has 2 sons, they live in the Cinci area of Ohio. The middle child is still single, although recently engaged and living in Conn. He's the nomad of the family. I wish he'd have some kids soon... no telling there though.
78. I sleep on the right side of the bed. (That's as you are in it, not in front of it!)
79. I sleep with 2 pillows - always.
I sleep with one under my head and one between my knees - and no, don't make any SICK jokes about that!
80. My favorite mixed drink is a margarita - I make an excellent one!
81. My favorite candy is cow-tails.
Those seem to be getting harder and harder to find.
82. I have 5 brother-in-laws and 4 sister-in-laws.
There is 1 brother-in-law that I have never met and 2 sisters-in-law that I have never met - these are Hubby's 1/2 brother and sisters on his dads side. I have also just lost a sister-in-law due to a divorce on the hubby's side of the family.
83. I have never met 1 of the brother-in-laws and 2 of the sister-in-laws.
Oh - guess I should have read ahead....
84. My favorite song is White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane.
Again - the whole Alice thing - there's just something about it.
85. My first pet was a cat named Smokey.
86. Smokey died of Leukemia.
87. I sneak food - because I'm always trying to diet. - yes, I know how sad that is.
I still sneak food - I know that's sad - i don't get it. Who am I really kidding there?
88. I love to have "alone time" with my hubby!
89. Lots of "alone time"!
90. I am thinking about coloring my hair darker, like a light brown.
I went darker and HATED it, I'm going back to blonde, with highlights.
Yeah- dark was not a good move for me.
91. I had Bells Palsey in 1997 - when I was pregnant with my son.
92. I wear contacts because I am near sighted.
Is that right? I can't see far away...I always get that mixed up.
Just got a new Rx and it got much worse!
93. I am 5' 7" tall.
94. My favorite sandwich is Peanut Butter, Miracle Whip and Dill pickles.
95. My cell phone number is - HA! Did you really think I would put that here?!!
Got a new number - but still not putting it here.
96. I'm on Yahoo Messenger: Kelwhy.
97. I'm not very shy.
I used to be PAINFULLY shy.
98. I used to be very shy, but worked hard at overcoming that.
99. I wear pink lip gloss called Cherish.
Well, that ran out and I can't find it again. Still looking for the "next" one.
Now I'm wearing L'Oreal Colorjuice in Bubblegum.
100. I am done with this list! - Yeah - I know that really isn't something about me....but I'm out of things to say!
Yeah - lots of little cheats in my list I know - but that's it...that's me!
that's it....hope I brought y'all up to speed!
It will be 10 years in just a few months - still wonderful!
Yep - just past 10 years, and he's still my best friend.
2. I have 2 beautiful children who are a blessing.
OK, most of the time they are a blessing - sometimes..... well... (OK - just kidding there, I love 'em.)
3. I have a BFA degree from Kent State University in Art History with a dual minor in History and Studio Art.
4. My favorite movie is Breakfast at Tiffany's.
You really can't beat that movie - still #!.
5. I absolutely positively HATE onions.
ABSOLUTELY HATE - but I'm trying to learn to cook with them. I don't want my kids growing up, hating them as much as me!
Still working on it - I've even managed to eat some onion rings....I tried anyway.
6. My favorite flower is lilac.
7. I wear Kenneth Cole perfume.
Well, Kenneth Cole is just about to the end - I need a new scent - any suggestions?
8. I love my job.
My job has changed - I still like it, but there are days...
9. I'm always striving to better myself - physically, mentally and emotionally.
10. I have a red Beta fish named Herman in a bowl on my desk at work.
Sadly, Herman passed away after having him for nearly 2 years. He has not been replaced.
11. My favorite painting (right now) is The Star, by E. Degas.
12. I went to Paris in September of 2003 - by myself.
13. I am a displaced Yankee, living in the south.
14. I am the oldest of 3 children and the only girl.
15. My parents are still alive and still married.
16. My son has blue eyes like me and my daughter has hazel eyes like my husband.
17. I went to high school with Marilyn Manson (he sat next to me in homeroom).
18. I got married in September of 1995.
19. I graduated college in May of 1995.
20. I wear a size 36 B Bra.
21. My favorite food is pasta.
22. One of the most beautiful places that I have visited is Crater Lake Oregon.
23. I went to school at the University of Toledo for 1 year.
24. I was kicked out of the University of Toledo due to my poor grades.
25. My first love was Jay Uzl.
26. My first kiss was Roy Tolbert.
27. My favorite color right now is red.
I'm on a PINK kick right now though.
Now I'm back to black - it's thinning!
28. I am a cat person, not a dog person.
Although, somewhere in the back of my mind - I keep considering getting a dog....
29. I wear OPI "I'm not really a waitress" nail polish.
I've been mostly wearing clear polish lately.
Going for the french manicure lately.
30. I started working this job on July 10, 2000.
I got a promotion and started my new position here on July 1, 2005.
31. My favorite snack is pretzels or cheese.
32. I want to go to Greece for our 10 year wedding anniversary.
We've decided on the Sandals resort on St. Lucia - not enough time to go to Greece.
Many things happened and didn't get to go anywhere but out to dinner at 801. A month after our anniversary, however we did take a long weekend in Seattle - and that was WONDERFUL.
33. I love Audrey Hepburn, she is SO elegant and classy.
34. The only friends that still keep in touch from Ohio are Trish and Steve Y.
35. I hate vanilla scented candles - ick!
36. I love to wear black clothes, slimming.
37. I struggle with my weight, my goal is 133 lbs.
38. I'm not at my goal weight.
Still not at my goal weight....
I got there, and then it slipped away - it seems to slip away SO quickly.
39. I won't tell you what weight that I am at....
Still won't.
40. I met Steve while working with him at Chi-Chi's in Ohio.
41. I am a Lutheran.
Although I don't go to church at all since we've moved to Alabama - I am now considering going again - and I'm open to whatever denomination. We'll see.
42. I graduated high school in 1987.
43. I have never been to a class reunion.
I'm hoping there is a 20 year one being planned - I will go to that.
44. I have vertigo.
Nothing fixes it, and it seems to have gotten worse.
45. I wear a size 7 shoe.
46. I have an Audrey Hepburn purse, I told you I love her!
I currently am carrying a very cool, heavily beaded purse that I bought in Seattle at an African Import store. HOT.
47. I like to watch college football, especially the Ohio State Buckeyes.
Still true - although I am rooting more and more for both Auburn and Bama now.
48. I am right handed.
49. I have 1 niece and 3 nephews.
50. I love Guiness beer.
51. I am addicted to blogging.
52. I am struggling to come up with a 100 things about me...
53. I am blonde.
Kind of a dark blonde with highlights now.
54. I don't act like a blonde.
55. Well, sometimes I do...
56. I have short hair, that I don't like...letting it grow out.
Still not grown out, I keep trying though...wonder how much extensions cost?
It's growing out now - slowly but surely. :)
57. I LOVE my husband!
58. I don't have a lot of friends, but the friends that I have are GOOD friends.
59. I have been to 5 countries outside of the US: Canada, Mexico, Ireland, France and China.
60. I have been to 40 of the 50 United States.
I think that's still right - might have to go through that all again.
61. I was born and raised in Canton Ohio.
North Canton to be precise.
62. I have a 3 inch scar on my right arm on the inside of my wrist.
I got this when my mom locked me out of the house when I was 4 years old, I was trying to get inside to get a popsicle - of course that's my vague memory of it - not exactly sure what all happened. I know I pounded on the front door and my arm went through the glass, my friend standing next to me went off screaming and the neighbor across the street came running.
63. I love the French impressionistic artists.
64. My favorite scented candle is cinnamon/apple.
65. I hate misspellings.
I'm a bit anal about that and correct people alot - I suppose that is rude, and I really should stop doing that. Lord knows that I'm not perfect there either!
Still working on that - but it does irk me.
66. My favorite art museum is the Musee D'Orsay in Paris. It was a very moving experience.
67. Have I mentioned that I have an irrational passionate hatred of onions?
The irrational part is getting better.
68. My wedding ring is a pear shaped solitaire with a wrap in gold and baguettes diamonds.
And now hubby gave me 1/4 carat diamond earrings for our 10th aniversary. He's wonderful.
69. I was a pharmacy major my first year of college.
70. My favorite memory of my dad is making pancakes with him one saturday morning, when I was around 11 years old.
I must have been having a bad morning and I messed up the recipe like 3 times. He just poured me a 7-up and sat down and talked to me. There's many more great memories like that - but that one really sticks out for me.
71. My favorite memory of my mom is when she came to see me at the University of Toledo one weekend.
Her and her sister came up with my best friend Julie. We had SO much fun that weekend- a bunch of girls out on the town!
72. I want a bigger house.
Still want a bigger house - I want us to start looking for a new house and move. Hubby says that we can't yet though - that we would lose too much on our current house. sigh.
Doing lots of lil projects around the current house now and it's really shaping up.
73. I had my gallbladder removed in 1998.
Still don't need it.
74. I started this list on 7/23/04 and I'm still working on it on 8/17/04.
Editing it today on 10/31/2005
75. I love the Alice in Wonderland story.
I've always wanted to paint a bizarre picture of that - I have the scene in my mind...just can't seem to get it on the canvas.
Still can picture it in my mind - maybe that's what I should do in my lil girls room?
76. My favorite book is The Hobbit, Lord of the Ring Trilogy.
I don't know that that is my FAVORITE book - but it is a good one.
77. I have 2 younger brothers. - did I already say that?
Yeah - I did basically already say that. The youngest one is married and has 2 sons, they live in the Cinci area of Ohio. The middle child is still single, although recently engaged and living in Conn. He's the nomad of the family. I wish he'd have some kids soon... no telling there though.
78. I sleep on the right side of the bed. (That's as you are in it, not in front of it!)
79. I sleep with 2 pillows - always.
I sleep with one under my head and one between my knees - and no, don't make any SICK jokes about that!
80. My favorite mixed drink is a margarita - I make an excellent one!
81. My favorite candy is cow-tails.
Those seem to be getting harder and harder to find.
82. I have 5 brother-in-laws and 4 sister-in-laws.
There is 1 brother-in-law that I have never met and 2 sisters-in-law that I have never met - these are Hubby's 1/2 brother and sisters on his dads side. I have also just lost a sister-in-law due to a divorce on the hubby's side of the family.
83. I have never met 1 of the brother-in-laws and 2 of the sister-in-laws.
Oh - guess I should have read ahead....
84. My favorite song is White Rabbit by Jefferson Airplane.
Again - the whole Alice thing - there's just something about it.
85. My first pet was a cat named Smokey.
86. Smokey died of Leukemia.
87. I sneak food - because I'm always trying to diet. - yes, I know how sad that is.
I still sneak food - I know that's sad - i don't get it. Who am I really kidding there?
88. I love to have "alone time" with my hubby!
89. Lots of "alone time"!
90. I am thinking about coloring my hair darker, like a light brown.
I went darker and HATED it, I'm going back to blonde, with highlights.
Yeah- dark was not a good move for me.
91. I had Bells Palsey in 1997 - when I was pregnant with my son.
92. I wear contacts because I am near sighted.
Is that right? I can't see far away...I always get that mixed up.
Just got a new Rx and it got much worse!
93. I am 5' 7" tall.
94. My favorite sandwich is Peanut Butter, Miracle Whip and Dill pickles.
95. My cell phone number is - HA! Did you really think I would put that here?!!
Got a new number - but still not putting it here.
96. I'm on Yahoo Messenger: Kelwhy.
97. I'm not very shy.
I used to be PAINFULLY shy.
98. I used to be very shy, but worked hard at overcoming that.
99. I wear pink lip gloss called Cherish.
Well, that ran out and I can't find it again. Still looking for the "next" one.
Now I'm wearing L'Oreal Colorjuice in Bubblegum.
100. I am done with this list! - Yeah - I know that really isn't something about me....but I'm out of things to say!
Yeah - lots of little cheats in my list I know - but that's it...that's me!
that's it....hope I brought y'all up to speed!
At 10:29 PM,
Jennifer said…
that's great! glad you got it done, but i hate to be the evil one, but you repeated you are right handed, 48 and 90 i believe :) so you owe us one more! tee-hee.
At 1:08 PM,
Kelwhy said…
thanks...fixed it now!
At 2:20 PM,
Beth said…
love it!
Peanut butter, miracle whip and pickles???
I had my gall bladder out in 98 too! :p
we have a lot of things in common. One of these days, I'll get around to my list. I just lag.
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